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Balen, Dugdale - The Fertility Book. Your definitive guide to achieving a healthy pregnancy #1

Balen, Dugdale - The Fertility Book. Your definitive guide to achieving a healthy pregnancy

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The book you can trust to help you achieve a healthy pregnancy. Whether you are trying for a baby now or preparing for a family in future, The Fertility Book is the no-nonsense guide you need to help
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The book you can trust to help you achieve a healthy pregnancy. Whether you are trying for a baby now or preparing for a family in future, The Fertility Book is the no-nonsense guide you need to help you to optimize your chances of a healthy pregnancy. World-renowned fertility consultant Adam Balen and reproductive biologist Grace Dugdale dispel the myths in this comprehensive guide to reproductive health, explaining in easy-to-understand terms the genetic and lifestyle factors at play. They take an honest look at the evidence for both conventional and alternative approaches, equipping you with powerful tools to improve your chances of a natural conception and an understanding of how to create the best environment for a healthy pregnancy. If you do decide to seek help through assisted conception, this book will be with you every step of the way, explaining what treatments are available and how to approach them, so that you can come to an informed decision about what is right for you. Professor Adam Balen and Grace Dugdale have decades of experience helping couples on their journey to conception and beyond. Now in this, their first book for a general readership, they explain everything you need to know to understand your own fertility.
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Автор на обложке
Balen Adam, Dugdale Grace
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  • Vermilion Издательство
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