Код товара: 149003410
Control Your ERP Destiny. Reduce Project Costs, Mitigate Risks, and Design Better Business Solutions #1

Control Your ERP Destiny. Reduce Project Costs, Mitigate Risks, and Design Better Business Solutions

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The history of implementing ERP systems has shown that leaving the fate of your Enterprise Resource Planning project in the hands of software consultants and vendors may only create a false sense of s
33,75 BYN 225,28 BYN
Т8 Издательские Технологии
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The history of implementing ERP systems has shown that leaving the fate of your Enterprise Resource Planning project in the hands of software consultants and vendors may only create a false sense of security. Regardless of all the right intentions, software consultants are not all-knowing, have a limited ability to control the keys to project success, and are the beneficiaries of cost overruns. When it comes to software vendors, their sales people will be long gone when it comes time to go-live with the new system. This book presents comprehensive strategies and techniques that enable organizations to take charge of their Enterprise Resource Planning projects to drive success. The author describes how to become less dependent on outside consultants, mitigate project risks, and significantly reduce system implementation and support costs. Most importantly, how to develop solutions that streamline business processes and improve the quality of the software implementation.  The book also contains many tips to create internal project ownership, select ERP software, manage service providers, transfer software knowledge, develop implementation strategies, establish a realistic schedule and budget, and manage the technical conversion. It is a guide to making informed decisions during each project phase. The information is applicable to new implementations and system upgrades.
Nobel Press
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Размеры, мм
165 x 235
Автор на обложке
Steven Scott Phillips, Jamie N. Demumbrum, Ryan Emi
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  • Nobel Press Издательство
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