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Day Trading Basics. The beginners guide to master fundamentals of trading and immediately start operating #1

Day Trading Basics. The beginners guide to master fundamentals of trading and immediately start operating intraday on the financial markets with a minimum capital

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☆ 55% OFF for Bookstores! Discounted Retail Price NOW at $ 25 instead of $ 33 ☆Are you interested in mastering the strategies that have already allowed many non-professional traders to generate extra
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☆ 55% OFF for Bookstores! Discounted Retail Price NOW at $ 25 instead of $ 33 ☆
Are you interested in mastering the strategies that have already allowed many non-professional traders to generate extra money without investing for long periods?
Buying and selling financial assets within the same trading day and making a profit is the essence of day trading. Behind this simple definition there are some fundamental concepts to be acquired and some risks to absolutely avoid!
Trading markets it's not a technical issue nowadays, profitable trading is. 
How many websites, books, courses, vlogs and self-proclaimed gurus focuses on showing you off the latest trending trading strategy? But how many of these reveal you the tools for creating your own personal and unique trading strategy? Only in this way you can achieve astonishing results.
Day trading can be a gold mine, but especially at the beginning of your journey, you will absolutely need proper training before putting your money down to work for you.
In this book you will find the real basis for choosing your ideal day trading strategy:
Which financial assets and which markets are best suited for day trading?What are the best time frames to trade intraday?The Technical Analysis basis a day trader must knowHow to manage the capital in every single trade and within the trading dayHow to set your goals upwards while earning and how to cut your lossesHow to transform the notions learned into a practical step by step operational protocol that allows you to minimize emotions
If you are ready to change your financial situation through profitable day trading, don't waste any more time:
Help your clients to boost their financial future through profitable intraday transactions. Don't let them waste their time and help them to get this guide
Год выпуска
Nobel Press
Соответствие стандарту (ФГОС)
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Тип бумаги в книге
Размеры, мм
152 x 229
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Мягкая обложка
Количество страниц
Автор на обложке
Micheal Dimmerable
Тип книги
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Информация о технических характеристиках, комплекте поставки, стране изготовления, внешнем виде и цвете товара носит справочный характер и основывается на последних доступных к моменту публикации сведениях
Изготовителя, импортера, гарантийный срок (если применимо) и иную информацию по товару можно запросить у продавца


  • Nobel Press Издательство
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