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GETTING TO YES. Overcoming Network Marketing Objections #1

GETTING TO YES. Overcoming Network Marketing Objections

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If you had told me before then that I would one day work from the comfort of my own home, that I would learn to make money online, speak before crowds, or write a book, I would have said you were craz
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If you had told me before then that I would one day work from the comfort of my own home, that I would learn to make money online, speak before crowds, or write a book, I would have said you were crazy! My life was going as planned. First a career as a Navy Cryptologist and Russian linguist. Then raising my family in my husband's hometown of Springdale, Arkansas. We owned a nice home. My daughters were active in school and we were active in church. I devoted my time to working for the local Girl Scout Council, an organization I fully support. My husband was an electronics technician for a large company. Life was good.

But then the unthinkable happened. We had just moved from Springdale to a larger home in a more rural area of Rogers, AR. My mom and dad were getting older and the plan was to move them into the house in Springdale so they would be closer to us. But just as everything seemed to be going according to plan, I received the phone call no daughter wants to get. My mother had suddenly passed away and I was left to care for my father.

My father suffered from Alzheimer's disease. I had long ago promised that I would never place him in a home as long as I was able to care for him. I have nothing against nursing homes. But in our culture, aging parents are cared for at home as long as possible. And so we put the house in Springdale up for rent and prepared to welcome my father into our home.

It soon became clear that I was not going to be able to continue working outside the home and care for him. But how to quit my job and still earn a living? I searched everywhere for the answer. And then one day, I met the two people who would change my life. One introduced me to network marketing. The other introduced me to the power of the internet. And the rest - as they say - is history.

I had the privilege of caring for my father for eight years. In 2008, he passed on, having spent his final years surrounded by children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. I still miss him looking over my shoulder while I'm working asking what I'm writing.

I share all this with you because it shows what having your own business, especially a network marketing business, can do. Without this opportunity, my father would have spent his final years in a home, waiting for us to find the time in our busy schedules to stop by for a quick visit. This industry gave me the freedom to keep my promise to him. And after he was gone, it gave me the ability so spend time with grandchildren, to create fabulous memories with my family, to travel with my husband, to meet amazing people, and to help so many others change their lives.

If you are willing to learn and work hard, you can have this freedom too. You can create the life you have always wanted for you and your family. Are you ready? Let's do this! 

Endorsement by Brian Basilico:

Melodieann is a friend and living proof of the fact that when someone likes and believes in your product or service they become a huge asset for your business. She is a successful entrepreneur who is still there and doing that. 

If you want to learn from someone who has “Been There, Done that,” you have come to the right place. You will learn WHAT is important, HOW most of what you hear from MLM trainers and veterans is outdated. It’s about how YOU can pay it forward to ensure your own success. This book will show you how to open your mind to becoming a successful Network Marketing consultant, trainer and advocate. If you think it’s all about building more drones below you in the MLM chain to sell your stuff…please drop this book and go back to your day job.

Автор на обложке

Melodieann Whiteley

Nobel Press
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152 x 229
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  • Nobel Press Издательство
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