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Kevin O Rourke - A Short History of Brexit. From Brentry to Backstop | O`rourke Kevin #1

Kevin O Rourke - A Short History of Brexit. From Brentry to Backstop | O`rourke Kevin

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A succinct, expert Pelican history of the most contentious issue of our time After all the debates, manoeuvrings, recriminations and exaltations, Brexit is upon us. But, as Kevin O'Rourke writes, Bre
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A succinct, expert Pelican history of the most contentious issue of our time After all the debates, manoeuvrings, recriminations and exaltations, Brexit is upon us. But, as Kevin O'Rourke writes, Brexit did not emerge out of nowhere: it is the culmination of events that have been under way for decades and have historical roots stretching back well beyond that. Brexit has a history. O'Rourke, one of the leading economic historians of his generation, explains not only how British attitudes to Europe have evolved, but also how the EU's history explains why it operates as it does today - and how that history has shaped the ways in which it has responded to Brexit. Why are the economics, the politics and the history so tightly woven together? Crucially, he also explains why the question of the Irish border is not just one of customs and trade, but for the EU goes to the heart of what it is about. The way in which British, Irish and European histories continue to interact with each other will shape the future of Brexit - and of the continent. Calm and lucid, A Short History of Brexit rises above the usual fray of discussions to provide fresh perspectives and understanding of the most momentous political and economic change in Britain and the EU for decades.
O`rourke Kevin
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O`Rourke Kevin
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  • O`rourke Kevin Автор


  • Pelican Издательство
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