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Код товара: 478028586
Книга "The Kinfolk Home: Interiors For Slow Living" #1
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Книга "The Kinfolk Home: Interiors For Slow Living"

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О книге

«Первая книга Натана Уильямса о домашнем дизайне так же тщательно отобрана, как и его чрезвычайно популярный журнал Kinfolk. Kinfolk Home включает 35 разнообразных резиденций на пяти континентах, влад
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«Первая книга Натана Уильямса о домашнем дизайне так же тщательно отобрана, как и его чрезвычайно популярный журнал Kinfolk. Kinfolk Home включает 35 разнообразных резиденций на пяти континентах, владельцы каждой из которых создали среду, соответствующую их ценностям и стилю жизни». "Nathan Williams' first home-design book is as tightly curated as his wildly popular magazine, Kinfolk. The Kinfolk Home features 35 diverse residences across five continents, each with owners who have created environs that are authentic to their values and living style." --C California Style Magazine "Advice on creating homes that foster community, center on simplicity and allow for slow living." --BookPage "Although slow living may conjure up visions of sparsely furnished interiors, many here illustrate crowded bookshelves, art-filled walls, and rooms populated with children and pets in close to 300 color photographs. VERDICT This handsome volume filled with visuals and advice shows how to create an environment surrounded by meaningful objects and designed to facilitate the enjoyment of life." --Library Journal From the Back Cover Cultivate a more intentional, more intimate home When The Kinfolk Table was published in 2013, it became an instant sensation- now with 90,000 copies in print-and transformed the way readers all around the world thought about entertaining. In this much anticipated follow-up, Kinfolk founder Nathan Williams showcases the myriad ways embracing that same Kinfolk ethos-of slowing down, simplifying your life, and cherishing relationships over belongings-allows you to create a more considered, more beautiful, and more intimate living space. The Kinfolk Home invites readers into 40 homes around the world, from Portland, Oregon, to Copenhagen to Tokyo. Some have constructed shiny new urban homes from the blueprints up, while others live in a countryside cottage first occupied by their great-great-great-great-grandparents. What all of these spaces have in common is that they have been put together slowly, deliberately, and with great intention. With luscious photographs and insightful interviews, each home tour is guaranteed to inspire. Reading books is a kind of enjoyment. Reading books is a good habit. We bring you a different kinds of books. You can carry this book where ever you want. It is easy to carry. It can be an ideal gift to yourself and to your loved ones. Care instruction keep away from fire.
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Nathan Williams
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