Код товара: 1623124410
Magic Kingdom for Sale--Sold! (Landover) | Brooks Terry #1

Magic Kingdom for Sale--Sold! (Landover) | Brooks Terry

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О книге

Landover was a genuine magic kingdom, with fairy folk and wizardry, just as the advertisement has promised. But after he purchased it, Ben Holiday learned that there were a few details the ad had fail
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Landover was a genuine magic kingdom, with fairy folk and wizardry, just as the advertisement has promised. But after he purchased it, Ben Holiday learned that there were a few details the ad had failed to mention. The kingdom was in ruin. The Barons refused to recognize a king, and the peasants were without hope. A dragon was laying waste the countryside, while an evil witch plotted to destroy everything. Ben's only followers were the incompetent Court Magician; Abernathy, the talking dog who served as Court Scribe; and the lovely Willow—but she had a habit of putting down roots in the moonlight and turning into a tree. The Paladin, legendary champion of the Kings of Landover, seemed to be only a myth and an empty suit of armor. To put the final touch on the whole affair, Ben soon learned that the Iron Mark, terrible lord of the demons, had challenged all prospective Kings of Landover to duel to the death—a duel which no human could hope to win. The task of proving his right to be King seemed hopeless. But Ben Holiday was stubborn. . . .
Brooks Terry
Del Rey
Год выпуска
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Тип книги
Книга на иностранном языке
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Автор на обложке
Terry Brooks
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  • Brooks Terry Автор


  • Del Rey Издательство
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