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Код товара: 1556293854
The Flower Year: A Coloring Book #1

The Flower Year: A Coloring Book

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О книге

The Flower Year is a flower coloring book celebrating of a year of of flowers, birds, butterflies and small creatures to color in, adding up to a year's worth of coloring enjoyment. The Flower Year is
71,07 BYN 115,25 BYN
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The Flower Year is a flower coloring book celebrating of a year of of flowers, birds, butterflies and small creatures to color in, adding up to a year's worth of coloring enjoyment. The Flower Year is a hardcover book, with intricate illustrations by Leila Duly, a textile print designer. Duly's work is inspired by old Victorian etchings, unique vintage finds and the English countryside. Leila's first book was Floribunda: A Flower Coloring Book, published by Laurence King in 2016 followed by Floribunda, A Flower Coloring Journal and a calendar. Beautiful, silken ivory pages in these smaller sized, hardback books. Laurence King Publishing produce top quality journals and this Journal, and Book, are right up there. As you'll see from the video, the Journal has a few blank pages between the drawings. The Flower Year has interesting quotes on the title page for each month and at the back is a pictorial index to the images that lists the plants in each drawing. You'll be referring to this a lot as you research your flowers and leaves. Pencils will be fine but make sure you test any water based pens on an inconspicuous page. The covers continue the soft pink covers that we associate with Leila. Prue, Colour + Blog This is a very beautiful book filled from cover to cover with detailed images of delicate flowers. Every page is different, it never feels like you're coloring the same picture twice because there is so much variety. There are single page drawings, pages with a collection of single flowers along with their names and larger pictures that cover a double page. I particularly liked the index pages at the back of the book which gives you the names of all of the plants used in the pictures. I would definitely recommend, it's my new favorite. Amazon reviewer
Год выпуска
Laurence King
Язык издания
Размеры, мм
Количество страниц
Автор на обложке
Leila Duly
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Книга на иностранном языке
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  • Laurence King Издательство
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