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Transits and Solar Returns in Russian: A New System of Analysis for Two Ancient Methods | Дишеполо Чиро #1

Transits and Solar Returns in Russian: A New System of Analysis for Two Ancient Methods | Дишеполо Чиро

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Transits and Solar Returns is a unique text in its gender, for it allows the reader to evaluate the realism of a method illustrated through several wellknown events from the execution of Benito Mussol
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Transits and Solar Returns is a unique text in its gender, for it allows the reader to evaluate the realism of a method illustrated through several wellknown events from the execution of Benito Mussolini to the incarceration of Sophia Loren in Italy, including the most important victories of many acclaimed champions of the sports. Starting from the historical data, Ciro Discepolo explains how and why each event took place. As a best seller in Italy and in France, this book has been reprinted and republished several times in the span of a few years. New, important sections have been added. Its main quality is probably the exposure of a method that any student of astrology - experts as well as beginners - may apply. It aspires to demonstrate that such events as the abysmal fall of famous financiers or the tragic death of the cyclist Marco Pantani can be all explained word for word by the "thirty rules" written by Ciro Discepolo; who invites the reader to verify personally (for example studying the events of the future and the past chronicle) whether those rules match reality or not. The Author has been studying the Aimed Solar Returns since 1970 he has been a guide of more than 20,000 "aimed birthdays" (up to 2007). He has written over fifty books - most of them on this particular subject. For this reason he is considered the greatest expert by many colleagues in the world on this specific segment of astrology. This is a text of practical astrology, based on many-many years of observations and studies in practice. It addresses mainly to those who wish to verify the truth of the assertion: "prediction is a feasible exercise in astrology".
Дишеполо Чиро
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
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Книга на иностранном языке
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Автор на обложке
Ciro Discepolo
Новикова Екатерина
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  • Дишеполо Чиро Автор
  • Новикова Екатерина Переводчик


  • CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform Издательство
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