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Код товара: 1537128761
Unfinished Tales. Illustrated Deluxe Slipcased Edition / Tolkien John Ronald Reuel / Книга на Английском #1

Unfinished Tales. Illustrated Deluxe Slipcased Edition / Tolkien John Ronald Reuel / Книга на Английском / Толкин Джон Рональд Руэл | Толкин Джон Рональд Ройл

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О книге

Stunning 40th anniversary collector’s edition of this collection of tales which takes readers further into stories told in The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion, featuring 18 full-col
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Stunning 40th anniversary collector’s edition of this collection of tales which takes readers further into stories told in The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion, featuring 18 full-colour paintings, housed in a matching illustrated slipcase with two removable full-colour posters unique to this edition. Unfinished Tales is a collection of narratives ranging in time from the Elder Days of Middle-earth to the end of the War of the Ring, and provides those who have read The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings with a whole collection of background and new stories. The book concentrates on the realm of Middle-earth and comprises such elements as The Quest of Erebor, Gandalf’s lively account of how it was that he came to send the Dwarves to the celebrated party at Bag-End; the emergence of the sea-god Ulmo before the eyes of Tuor on the coast of Beleriand; and an exact description of the military organization of the Riders of Rohan. Unfinished Tales also contains the only story about the long ages of Numenor before its downfall, and all that is known about such matters as the Five Wizards, the Palantiri and the legend of Amroth. The tales were edited by Christopher Tolkien, who provides a short commentary on each story, helping the reader to fill in the gaps and put each story into the context of the rest of his father’s writings. In celebration of its 40th anniversary, this new edition features 18 stunning paintings from critically acclaimed Tolkien artists, Alan Lee, John Howe & Ted Nasmith, which reveal the three Ages of Middle-earth like never before. This special collector’s edition is printed on superior quality paper, features a unique special binding and ribbon marker and is housed in a custom-made, fully illustrated slipcase. Тематика: Классическая зарубежная проза на английском языке
Толкин Джон Рональд Ройл
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Тканевый переплет, суперобложка
Тип книги
Книга на иностранном языке
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Художественная литература
Автор на обложке
Tolkien John Ronald Reuel
Howe John, Lee Alan
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  • Толкин Джон Рональд Ройл Автор
  • Howe John Иллюстратор
  • Lee Alan Иллюстратор
  • Tolkien Christopher Редактор


  • HarperCollins Издательство
Отзывы о товаре 0 Unfinished Tales. Illustrated Deluxe Slipcased Edition / Tolkien John Ronald Reuel / Книга на Английском / Толкин Джон Рональд Руэл | Толкин Джон Рональд Ройл
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