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Vanessa Chakour - Awakening Artemis. Deepening Intimacy with the Living Earth and Reclaiming Our Wild #1

Vanessa Chakour - Awakening Artemis. Deepening Intimacy with the Living Earth and Reclaiming Our Wild Nature

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A personal journey of self-healing through reconnecting with nature and rewilding the mind We all come from different cultures and practice different spiritual traditions, but we have one thing in co
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A personal journey of self-healing through reconnecting with nature and rewilding the mind We all come from different cultures and practice different spiritual traditions, but we have one thing in common: we are all of the earth. Vanessa Chakour, founder of the rewilding programme Sacred Warrior, takes us on a journey to deepen our relationship with ourselves and the environment. Awakening Artemis is her love letter to the earth. Sharing her personal journey of rewilding, her stories act as tools, both practical and inspirational, to encourage growth, healing and reconnection to the regenerative power of the natural world. Vanessa will help you embrace the strength and beauty in the wild, the weeds, and the unsavoury parts of yourself in order to grow and heal. By allowing yourself and the earth to flourish and awakening your inner Artemis, Chakour promises that you will find joy, peace, compassion for yourself, others, and the planet.
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Chakour Vanessa
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  • Penguin Издательство
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